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Hape or Rapé is a term used for shamanic snuffs that are made from different plants and tree barks from the Amazon basin. Each blend has a different quality. Some of them contain tobacco. Hape should never be snorted but blown into the nose. These are strong snuffs intended for healing, cleansing, and connection with Nature. Do not use it recreationally and without a purpose.


Read the Hape Menu before making a purchase. Always remember that whenever you take plant medicine, you are connecting to the hidden powers of Mother Nature and thousands of years of shamanic culture. 



                                                                                                     Hape/Rapé Menu




Is a powerful snuff from the Nukini tribe, made by the native medicine men of the jaguar totem. These healers are very skilled hunters and they are able to feed everyone in the village. The Nukini jaguar rapé is a ceremonial medicine, perfectly combined with Ayahuasca and Kambo sessions. The Nukini people say one of its ingredients is the SANANGA root bark powder, added to the tobacco and ashes. Nukini jaguar rapé is also made from the Tsunu ash, and the sacred powerful black tobacco (Ambil strain).


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150





This hapé is traditional from the Brazilian Nukini tribe.  It is made from the ash of the sacred Samauma tree added to a strong strain of tobacco and dry white roses powder generating a special blend. It's often used in dancing ceremonies.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150





This unique and special Rapé contains the leaves of the Bobinsana tree in combination with the ash of the tsunu tree (Platycyamus regnellii). Some Rapé strains are so potent that some people report a life-changing experience through spiritual awakening. This medicine is also used by the natives to produce chants.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



TSUNU snuff (Platycyamus regnelii) is made from the bark of the Pau Pereira tree. It is generally used for cleansing and balancing. With the right intention, it is a good snuff for those who like to connect with Mother Nature. It is widely used mainly by the Yawanawá tribe, as a remedy for nasal obstructions such as sinusitis and rhinitis, helping people who live in the city to breathe better.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



MURICI snuff (Byrsonima crassifólia) acts strongly on the physical body, cleansing, and energizing. Enhances self-awareness.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



CACAO snuff (Theobroma cacao) is made from the ashes of the cocoa tree. This is energizing and ecstatic snuff that gives strength.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



CAMARU snuff (Dipteryx odorata) is worshiped by the Acre Katukina-Nokekoi, Yawanawa, and Huni Kuin tribes. It activates the crown chakra, while calming the mind and opening the vision. Mental focus and meditation are the keywords for this type of medicine. Cumaru snuff became known worldwide when the indigenous people of the Acre tribes began to open the doors of their villages to receive foreigners from Europe and the United States.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



JUREMA snuff (Mimosa hostilis): The spirit of the Jurema is definitely present in this mixture, it has an uplifting effect. It is also called the flying snuff.  Jurema is a plant of truly amazing power.  This strong snuff is used by the natives of Pernambuco, a Fulni-o indigenous tribe. They have been working with Jurema tea and Seu snuff for centuries. Jurema provides the opportunity to be more who we are and helps strengthen our communication and harmony with the spirits of nature and mother Earth. It is said to provide cleansing and harmonious growth of our energy body, the auric field. It also teaches us to listen with attention and care for our own feelings and those of others.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



YAWANAWA RAPÉ (Erythrina mulungu) "Força Feminina", the feminine strength, made from the ashes of the Mulungu tree and very strong Mói tobacco. This medicine comes from the Yawanawá tribe.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



PAU PEREIRA RAPÉ (Platycyamus regnelii) one of the most powerful rapés is rapé del Pau Pereira, a widely used medicine by the indigenous Katukinas, Yawanawa, Huni Kuin, Shanenawa, Shawandawa, Puyanawa tribes from the Brazilian Amazon (Acre). The Tsunu and the Pau Pereira, originate from the same tree, but are different parts.

Pau Pereira bark is used by the indigenous peoples of Amazonia for purification and detoxification since it has purgative qualities.

The snuff generates heat and is often used during Kambo ceremonies.

Pau Pereira's snuff promotes the cleansing of our energy field or aura. The energy of this snuff is more intense and generates more energy and heat than the others. Work well together with Kambo and Yagé ceremonies.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



MULATERIO snuff (Calycophyllum spruceanum) is an excellent medicine used by the Acrean and Amazonian tribes. It adds strength to spiritual energy and helps us refine our self-perception (how we see ourselves). The spirit of this snuff teaches us to overcome the past and grow stronger roots in the present. This snuff is a very special combination of strength and wisdom that the ashes give us, together with the tobacco.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



PARICA Rapé de Paricá is made from the bark of the anglo seed, the same one used to make Yopo. The Paricá snuff can lead to a state of deep meditation and inner silence.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150



PAU BRASIL is an ash from the tree (Paubrasilia echinata) that is widely used among the Amazonian natives and is known for its refreshing energy for its astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, carminative, and antibacterial properties. Medicine assists in concentration, meditation, relaxation, and expansion of consciousness, as well as purging during Ayahuasca and Kambo sessions.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150





This blend is made from the Ayahuasca vine that remains in the pot after cooking the Ayahuasca medicine. It's called Tongoni. The Katukina and Shawandawa tribes prepare this snuff after cooking ayahuasca. It’s very energetic and used in Ayahuasca ceremonies to enhance the sense of liberation and purpose. This medicine helps with self-alignment.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150





This hapé comes from a different and the hardest-to-find Tsunu tree. The red tsunu can be found only in some parts of the Amazon rainforest near the Rio Gregorio and Tarauacá as opposed to the common tsunu that is found in abundance in all parts of the Amazon. The visual difference between the two species is that the red tsunu is darker in color both outside and inside the tree. 

This hape is used by the healers from the katukina and shawandawa tribes. The elders say that tsunu hapé helps us to get in contact with the spirit of the jungle, and also serves to balance our feelings and behavior. It is also effective against nasal obstructions such as sinusitis and rhinitis. It has a strong effect on the physical body and cleanses the energy field while giving strength to our spiritual self. It helps with concentration and mindfulness.


                   25gr $50

                   50gr $90

                   100gr $170

                   150gr $160

                   200gr $150




                                                                                                                    Hape Pipes 



Kuripe – a pipe that is used for self-application  $20                                                                          

Tepi – a pipe that is used to serve Hape to others $30


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Please specify the type of Hape you are buying and the amount in grams when you place an order. A minimum purchase for worldwide shipping is $100 for any products found on our website.

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