We are open from March 7th through January 7th
Contact Us
If you want to visit us, please complete the retreat form at the link below.
We will review your request and get back to you within 24 hours with more details.
Submit your form only if you are planing to visit Huachuma Wasi within the next six months.
If we are related in Spirit, we shall meet...

If you wish to pay with Crypto, we accept HEX, PLSX, and PLS for payment
To get in touch by email, please submit the form below:
We also speak:
Pусский | עִברִית | Español

You may not get what you want but you will get what you need.
Trust it.
You may not find all the answers you are seeking but learning to ask the right questions is already halfway.
Huachuma Wasi does not provide professional psychotherapy, nor is it a place for people who have been diagnosed with either schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, and/or are suffering from dangerous thought patterns such as active suicidal ideation. We advise seeking professional help in case you were or are dealing with these mental health issues.
After answering all questions on the retreat form, you will be required to sign a Waiver of Liability which cancels your right to take any legal action against Huachuma Wasi and its owners by you or by others on your behalf, in case of any negative consequences that should arise, including but not limited to the self-inflicted bodily harm due to psychosis, mental breakdown, manic paranoia, heart attack or death, caused by the altitude, your interaction with plant medicine, or any other cause known or unknown.
You assume all responsibility for your physical and mental health.